I'm in London... hurrah!! Tons of delayed flights, as per usual, but nothing too tragic yet. Danielle and Carolyn have met and don't seem to hate each other, so I consider this a success!! We're at the hostel now, each doing a quick check-in on our shared internet time, then it's off to explore the city! London Bridge is a super close walk from our hostel, so we'll probably go there now.
More soon!!
More soon!!
woot, and i'm sitting beside you now!
Anonymous, at 6/01/2006 12:38 PM
woot! yay hostel!
i bought a suit!
Anonymous, at 6/01/2006 4:35 PM
so what was the deal with stiches? was that you? thought i saw in on your messenger.
now i have london bridge is falling down stuck in my head.
- jill
Anonymous, at 6/01/2006 4:59 PM
Congratulations on getting there ... we miss you already. Hope the cold is finally all gone.
Have a great visit in London.
Anonymous, at 6/02/2006 8:37 AM
Excellent! Hope the rest of the trip goes as well!
Anonymous, at 6/02/2006 9:56 AM
sorry....that was Meghan on the last comment!
Anonymous, at 6/02/2006 9:57 AM
horray! glad you guys are safe and sound in europe! looking forward to reading your adventures!
xoxoxo Teri
Anonymous, at 6/03/2006 5:55 AM
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