Still in the same country? Woah.
Killing a bit of time before today's train, so I thought I'd just tell you how AWESOME Cesky Krumlov is. I highly recommend anyone goes there. It's quite a tourist spot, but the tiny-ness of the town and the amazing relaxing atmosphere has been such a nice change for us. As I mentioned before, our big expenditure of the day yesterday was the 900Kc rafting trip (About $45 total), that lasted 3 hours down a beautiful river surrounded by forest, and included a bottle of rum. (I think there is some rule in Canada about drinking while boating? Apparently not in effect here... Dev, I think you'd have a heart attack).
Food has significantly dropped in price, so we've started going to cafes to eat some meals for the first time. A huge Czech dinner full of bread dumplings and goulash cost about $4 Canadian. The amount of carbs this country consumes is unreal. But so, so delicious.
Vienna tonight, and more stories will most certainly come...
(and maybe eventually pictures too... we couldn't get the computer to load them).
Food has significantly dropped in price, so we've started going to cafes to eat some meals for the first time. A huge Czech dinner full of bread dumplings and goulash cost about $4 Canadian. The amount of carbs this country consumes is unreal. But so, so delicious.
Vienna tonight, and more stories will most certainly come...
(and maybe eventually pictures too... we couldn't get the computer to load them).
Daniel says you should eat more pastries because Czech pastries are apparently just about the best thing in the world.
Glad you're having fun and haven't had any allergy-related incidents yet =)
Anonymous, at 6/14/2006 7:20 AM
oh, that last post was from Sandra.
Anonymous, at 6/14/2006 7:20 AM
mmmm caaaaaaaarbs...
Anonymous, at 6/14/2006 11:06 AM
carbscarbscarbscarbs! take me there when you get back.
oh and you should tell me when i'm supposed to mail those things again. i forget.
love your favourite sister
Anonymous, at 6/14/2006 11:32 AM
just a quick note to tell you nonna received your postcard. You are such a good girl!!! where's mine???? glad you're having lots of fun!
~ Auntie Lisa
Anonymous, at 6/15/2006 6:02 PM
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