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It's the first of September; this summer of amazing adventures has officially ended. I'm back at work, I start school on Tuesday, everything is getting back into routine. It's crazy to think back and realize how much I've done, how many people I've met, how much I've learned about myself, and mostly how quickly it's all gone by.
Thanks to everyone who followed us virtually through Europe and across Canada. It was great to get the comments and know that people cared about us to check in and wonder where we were that day. I'll be sure to keep you posted on my next adventure (Africa hopefully... or maybe Central America first)... and probably come back to this blog and document it!
In the mean time, here are some last few pictures from the second half of our trip across Canada:

Carolyn getting stamp-happy with the world's largest rubber stamp in Cleveland, OH

Showing off the guns, and the new Brinks Security temporary tattoos. L->R: Carolyn, Sean, me, Katie. My awesome counsins.

Carolyn pauses for a shot with the marajuana plant before we got lost in the hemp maze somewhere in the Prairies. Apparently it could be the world's first hemp maze. Don't worry dads and moms.... we didn't take any home with us.

Attempting to get better cell phone reception at our campsite by standing on the picnic bench and using a pot lid as a satellite dish.

Group shot: L-> R: the hay bale in the highway median, me, Carolyn
Thanks to everyone who followed us virtually through Europe and across Canada. It was great to get the comments and know that people cared about us to check in and wonder where we were that day. I'll be sure to keep you posted on my next adventure (Africa hopefully... or maybe Central America first)... and probably come back to this blog and document it!
In the mean time, here are some last few pictures from the second half of our trip across Canada:

Carolyn getting stamp-happy with the world's largest rubber stamp in Cleveland, OH

Showing off the guns, and the new Brinks Security temporary tattoos. L->R: Carolyn, Sean, me, Katie. My awesome counsins.

Carolyn pauses for a shot with the marajuana plant before we got lost in the hemp maze somewhere in the Prairies. Apparently it could be the world's first hemp maze. Don't worry dads and moms.... we didn't take any home with us.

Attempting to get better cell phone reception at our campsite by standing on the picnic bench and using a pot lid as a satellite dish.

Group shot: L-> R: the hay bale in the highway median, me, Carolyn